Get Certified

You’ve invested in the resources, materials and craftsmanship that set your cabinets apart. Now prove it to your customers. Begin the process to earn the KCMA A161.1 Quality Certification that will give homeowners confidence they’re purchasing cabinetry that will last.

“To a prospective customer, the presence of the KCMA [Quality] seal is validation of a company’s commitment to manufacturing its products at the highest possible level.”

— Edwin Underwood, Marsh Furniture Company

Which Certification are you interested in?

KCMA Certifications

A161.1 Quality Certification

Cabinets undergo extensive testing to achieve the KCMA A161.1 Quality Certification Seal, proving that they are worth choosing for every home.

Environmental Certification

The Environmental Stewardship Program (ESP) to encourage practices that benefit both the environment and the communities served by cabinet manufacturers.

Severe Use Certification

The Severe Use Specifications were originally developed in 1993 by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).