Meeting with Senior Counselor for Trade and Manufacturing

Published on March 20, 2025
Wellborns, Natz visit to Navarro

Paul Wellborn, Stephen Wellborn (Wellborn Cabinet) and Betsy Natz met with Peter Navarro, Senior Counselor to the President for Trade and Manufacturing, and his staff on Wednesday March 13, 2025. The discussion focused on several countries that are underselling domestic cabinet companies causing loss in market share. In addition, we spoke about trade fraud with meeting attendees. After fighting to achieve AD/CVD and 301 tariffs (up to 300% combined) on Chinese cabinets and component parts we continue to see these tariffs undermined by countries around the world. Countries take products that originate in China and ship them through third countries to evade the tariffs. These are trade crimes and with the help of a bi-partisan/bi-cameral effort and the White House we are working to strengthen our laws to aggressively fight this trade fraud. Tariffs without strong enforcement have proven to be meaningless. 

The American Kitchen Cabinet Alliance will be pursuing the issue of countries dumping and subsidizing products with the new Congress and Administration moving forward.