A lot of cabinets appear the same.
draw consumers to your Cabinets!
Thanks to member support, as well as independent reviews from people and places like This Old House, consumers are looking for the KCMA Quality and ESP Certified Seals. Research shows that 3rd party endorsements drive brand preference. The KCMA Point-Of-Sale program gives you, our valued members, the opportunity to effectively communicate the quality, durability and sustainability of your products to consumers, while also adding value and raising awareness of the KCMA Certification Programs.
Print Assets
In a digital world, have a physical piece of information can really help you stand out. Display materials such as flyers, rack cards, posters, cabinet decals and plaques all around a showroom or at a trade show booth. Show off your cabinet certifications with information that will catch the eye of the consumer. Print-ready files are available for download along with specific printing and usage instructions.
Digital Messaging
If you are unsure of the best way to show your status as KCMA Certified, look no further than our digital messaging section. We have a packet full of sample messages to get your started on the right track. Just download them, modify them to fit your company, and you're off!
Digital Images
You can't have digital messages without some great looking images alongside them! Infographics, eye-catching images and Certification Seals are available for you to download. Pair them with our digital messaging packet the maximum impact. Whether you are using these on your website, social media channels, or a presentation, they are sure to make your audience take notice!
Print Assets
Flyers / Take Ones
These flyers, customizable with space for your company logo, can be displayed in showrooms or at trade show booths. They are great pieces to include in informational packets so that customers can learn more about the quality and sustainability of your cabinets.

Click here to download the customization, printing, and usage instructions
Click here to download the KCMA A161.1 infographic flyer
Click here to download the ESP infographic flyer
Click here to download the KCMA A161.1 general information flyer
Click here to download the ESP general information flyer

Rack Cards
Need to be able to give someone information on-the-go? These rack cards are perfect! Customizable with your company logo, their smaller size makes them easy to distribute and the eye-catching graphics effectively communicate the quality, durability and sustainability of your cabinets, whether they are passing through a showroom or walking by a trade show booth.
Click here to download the customization, printing, and usage instructions
Click here to download the KCMA A161.1 rack card
Click here to download the ESP rack card
Infographic Posters
These posters are a great way to display important information about the quality, durability and sustainability of your cabinets. Customizable with your company logo, the large size draws attention to the easy-to-read graphics and communicates the information in a clear and effective way.
Click here to download the customization, printing, and usage instructions
Click here to download the KCMA A161.1 poster
Click here to download the ESP poster
"We Test It" Poster
If you're looking for an eye-catching way to draw attention to the KCMA Certification Seals on your cabinets, look no further than Ivey! She shows, in a unique and adorable way, just how durable and sustainable KCMA Certified cabinets are. Customize this poster by adding your company logo. Recommended size: 18" X 24".

Certification Plaques
Who doesn't like recognition for the great work they are doing? These customized plaques, with spaces to add your company logo, identify your cabinets as being certified for quality durability and sustainability. Show off your KCMA A161.1 and ESP certifications in a showroom, at a trade show or even just at a meeting in your office.
Click here to download the customization, ordering, and usage instructions

Click here to download the ESP Plaque template file
Click here to download the A161.1 Plaque template file
Cabinet Decals
These decals announce to the world that the cabinets they are seeing are certified for quality, durability and sustainability. Display these stickers on the outside of your cabinet doors, either in a showroom or at a trade show booth, and encourage people to ask you just what it means that your cabinets are "Trusted Because It's Tested".
Click here to download the printing and usage instructions
Click here to download the ESP decals

Digital Messaging
Digital Messaging Language
Want to show that you have earned KCMA's Certification Seals, but not sure exactly what to say? Our sample messaging packet will get you started on the right track! Download this document to find examples of messaging language for your website, social media and sales presentations.
Click here to download the Digital Messaging usage instructions
Click here to download the digital messaging language
Click here to download the infographic for Pinterest
Click here to download the infographic for Instagram

Digital Images
KCMA Quality Certification Seal
This Old House recommends only purchasing cabinets with the KCMA Quality Certification Seal, so make sure your clients know you have it! This Seal shows that your cabinets are certified for quality, durability and longevity. Put this seal up on your website, social media accounts, sales presentations, etc.
Click here to download the usage instructions

ESP Certification Seal
Your customers care about the environment, sustainability and living in a healthy home. Make sure they know you do too! This Seal shows that your practices and process are sustainable and responsible. Put this seal up on your website, social media accounts, sales presentations, etc.

"We Test It" Graphic
If you're looking for an eye-catching way to draw attention to the KCMA Certification Seals on your cabinets, look no further than Ivey! She shows, in a unique and adorable way, just how durable and sustainable KCMA Certified cabinets are. Customize this graphic by adding your company logo.
Click here to download the customization and usage instructions
Flyer Content
These digital versions can be included in sales or informational presentations. They are great pieces to include in informational packets so that customers can learn more about the quality and sustainability of your cabinets.
Click here to download the customization and usage instructions
Click here to download the A161.1 digital infographic
Click here to download the ESP digital infographic
Click here to download the A161.1 general information digital graphic
Click here to download the ESP general information digital graphic